[NMCCSC] Report Los Griegos Elk Ridge & Big Pine Trails, Sat., Jan. 11
Sam via NMCCSCeGroup
nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com
Tue Jan 14 10:05:14 MST 2020
Hello Skiers,
On Sat., Jan. 11, Michael Arndt and Sam Beard skied Elk Ridge Trail and Big Pine Canyon on Los Griegos Mountain in the Jemez Mountains. We parked on NM-4 at the wide shoulder about one mile east of the regular Los Griegos parking place.
We skied through the log landing area where cut trees are stacked. From the power line that crosses Elk Ridge Trail at the saddle , we skied the center of the road, because the two large tracks made by the heavy logging equipment were too rough. A short distance north of Lower Road, the equipment turned to the west and went toward Lower Road and Ladera Trail.
From the intersection of Elk Ridge Trail and Lower Road, we followed Ladera Trail and found a 24-inch tree across the trail. We crossed the log where other skiers had crossed it, and then realized that we were below the marked trail. As a result, we had to traverse off trail and climb to get back on the marked trail that we followed to Griegos Junction.
After lunch, we went toward Big Pine Canyon and noticed that the USFS had made large berms across Lower Road and the one going to the Ladera Switchbacks. We skied past three berms on Lower Road and skied down Big Pine Canyon. No one had skied the 10 inches of excellent powder snow on this route. We had hoped to ski to NM-4 in Big Pine Meadow, but north of the power line, the private property/National Forest fence forced us up the hill to the log landing area and the road that led to the highway.
We observed the following trail conditions on Los Griegos Mountain:
A. Elk Ridge Trail -- The logging equipment is using this road from the power line almost to Lower Road, and I do not recommend skiing it. The lower part of Elk Ridge Trail to Ladera Trail has been skied.
B. Big Pine Canyon -- The trail is clear with very good snow from Griegos Junction to the power line.
C. Ladera Trail -- The lower part and most of the upper part are clear. Logging may be occurring in the middle part. Also, a large tree is down across the segment between Lower Road and the first long traverse. Be certain to cross this log on the marked trail route and do not go below the marked trail.
D. Ladera Trail Switchbacks above Griegos Junction -- We saw tracks going toward the switchbacks and assume that most of this segment is clear. There are probably some down trees, because we did not maintain this part of the trail last fall.
E Squirrel Canyon Trail -- The upper part this trail at Griegos Junction is untracked, and the lower segments are probably clear.
Note: Logging is done on frozen ground so that the equipment will damage the soil less than if logging is done in the summer.
Sam Beard, Trails Chair
N. M. Cross Country Ski Club
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