[NMCCSC] Class I and Class I-II Tours in Coyote Call Area, Sat., Feb. 20

Deborah McGrew damcgrew2 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 18:27:37 MST 2021

Sam---I would like to go along--I can go with either group

thanks for arranging
Debbie McGrew

On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 9:46 AM Sam Beard via NMCCSCeGroup <
nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

> Hello Skiers,
> On Saturday, February 20, Sam Beard and Michael Arndt will lead Class I
> and Class I-II tours in the Coyote Call Area in the Jemez Mountains across
> the highway from Valle Grande on the Valles Caldera National Preserve
> (VCNP).
> Sam will lead the approximately 2-mile Class I tour in the meadows and on
> the lower segment of the Coyote Call Loop Trail near NM-4 highway. He will
> include a review of beginning XC ski techniques for less experienced
> skiers.
> Michael will lead the Class I-II tour around the 3-mile Coyote Call Loop
> Trail that has an elevation change of about 400 feet. From the trailhead,
> the loop tour follows a 1-mile segment of old logging road parallel to the
> highway and climbs a moderately steep segment to Scooter Peak/Rabbit Ridge
> Saddle. From the saddle, the route goes west along a one-mile segment with
> very little elevation change, and from the southwest corner of the loop the
> trail descends to the trailhead through meadows and open forests. Michael
> may include short side tours to the lower part of Rabbit Ridge Road and Log
> Landing Road.
> Meet at 8 a.m. on the west side of the Target parking lot southeast of the
> intersection of I-25 North and Paseo del Norte. Please let me know if you
> live north of ABQ and would like to meet us on the west side of the Home
> Depot parking lot on US-550 west of Bernalillo.
> Bring face masks, snacks, lunch, drinks, and ski equipment. Also, please
> bring MaxiGlide or other wax to apply to the skis in the event that we have
> sticky conditions leading to a build up of snow and ice on the ski bottoms.
> To help with planning, please let me know if you plan to participate and
> which group you will be in by Friday evening. Also, please email me if you
> have questions. My email address is samgbeard at msn.com.
> Sam Beard, Trails Chair
> New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club
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