[NMCCSC] NMCCSC-How About XC Skiing in Canada Next Season?

Sarah Manges mangessarah77 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 20:21:16 MDT 2022


At this point, both dates are open for me. I'll plan my schedule around
whatever date works for you and others.

Sarah Manges

On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 4:17 PM Peter Marks via NMCCSCeGroup <
nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

> I XC skied for 3 seasons (2016-2018) at a place called Silver Star and
> Sovereign Lake in British Columbia and found the conditions to be excellent
> and all 3 years I skied during March. While I have talked to a few club
> members about making this an unofficial club outing next season, I wanted
> to get the word out to everyone to gauge the level of interest.
> Let me though tell you a bit more about these two nordic areas which are
> actually separate though you can easily ski between them. The two areas
> consist of 105km of groomed trails that will satisfy all ski levels. Silver
> Star also has alpine skiing and some of the chairlifts can be used by XC
> skiers to get to trails higher up on the mountain. All of the
> accommodations that I am aware of are ski in/ski out. When I went I rented
> a house with others through VRBO though there are several hotels that are
> reasonably priced especially considering the favorable US exchange rate
> with the Canadian dollar. The closest airport is in Kelowna which is about
> an hour shuttle ride to Silver Star. When I flew there in the past, I was
> able to fly through either Seattle or Phoenix. It appears that Seattle is
> the only current US airport with a direct flight to Kelowna.
> Max Shepard prepared an estimate of what this trip might cost if you are
> interested and I have attached his estimate.
> The current plan is to fly up there on either Monday February 27th or
> Monday March 6th and ski for 4 days. I hope to hear from some of you. If
> you are interested, please let me know which week works best for you in the
> next couple of weeks as some of the accommodations are starting to fill up.
> You are not committed to anything if you say you are interested.
> Here is the Silver Star website: https://www.skisilverstar.com
> Peter Marks
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