[NMCCSC] Fwd: [Sandia Nordic Ski Club] Klaus Ski trail now complete!

Bet Gendron bettygendron at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 13:28:01 MDT 2023

Now we can hike and ski Klaus Trail!  Neat report and pics.  Good
collaboration between Sandia Nordic and FOSM.  Bet

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeff Huser <jhuser54 at comcast.net>
Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2023, 11:12 AM
Subject: [Sandia Nordic Ski Club] Klaus Ski trail now complete!
To: <sandia-nordic-ski-club at googlegroups.com>
Cc: Berman, Russell - FS <russell.berman at usda.gov>, Wood, Kerry - FS, NM <
kerry.wood at usda.gov>, Jaffa-martinez, Joseph - FS, NM <
Joseph.Jaffa-Martinez at usda.gov>, Cervantes, Jeffrey - FS, NM <
Jeffrey.Cervantes at usda.gov>


Last Saturday, 13 volunteers from Sandia Nordic Ski Club and Friends of the
Sandia Mountains (FOSM) finished  the Klaus trail  which is located below
 the Service Rd. and extends from Ellis Trailhead to the Sandia downhill
ski area.   James Carpenter, Sim Cook, Shana Dellios, Jon Dellios, Scott
Dietrich, Annie Driskell, David Dunlap, Paul Gourley, Pat Madden, Mike
Madden, Barry Roberts, Ed Trzcienski and myself completed  the south
section of Klaus recently leveled out with a mini-excavator by Bruce
Hansche, Scott Dietrich and myself.  Reseeding of this section will be done
later this fall to  return this ski only trail to a natural state during
the during the off season. Work is also  near completion on sections of the
Sandia Nordic trail above the  upper 10k meadow.  These improvements have
the  goal of creating a safer, more enjoyable Nordic ski experience for
skiers of all abilities.  Klaus trail will also allow us to continue to
groom the ski trails in late season after the Service Rd. is plowed.

Thanks to all who participated and for those who couldn’t make it, we
should have another Saturday outing in September. Remaining pre-season
projects also  include putting up snow fencing in several areas and  trail
signs so stay tuned. Big thanks to FOSM for their help and  tools  and also
 to Forest Service staff Kerry Woods, Russel Berman, Joseph Jaffa-Martinez
and Jeff Cervantes whose expertise and assistance helped make this project

[image: A group of people posing for a photo Description automatically

L to R: James Carpenter*, Barry Roberts, Annie Driskell*, Mike Madden and
Buddy  (seated), David Dunlap, Pat Madden, Ed Trzcienski*,

Sim Cook, Jeff Huser.  Not pictured Shana and Jon Dellios. Photo by Scott
Dietrich.   * New work crew members

Sim, James, Ed and Jeff getting down to b’dness.

[image: A group of men digging in the woods Description automatically

David, Shana, John with Tala posting guard

[image: A person in a hard hat digging in the dirt Description
automatically generated]

Annie  tending to  the back slope.

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