[NMCCSC] New Gear Listings/Gear Wanted
Lisa Hales
lisarhales at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 16:32:11 MST 2023
How much are you asking for them?I will try to post under my account but include your email address.Can you tell me more about what went wrong when you tried?
On Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 04:23:50 PM MST, Kerri Wormwood <kerri at kwtherapy.com> wrote:
Hi Lisa,I tried multiple times to post my skis for sale, but was unsuccessful. Could you please add the info on the list for me?I have one pair of 179 cm Fisher cross country skis, metal edged, three pin binding, the model name is SBound 98.Thank you,Kerri Wormwood (I did email Elizabeth Z. about these skis.)
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 8, 2023, at 1:10 PM, Lisa Hales via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:
Hi All,
Hope you are enjoying the snow!!
We have a number of listings on our gear exchange, including one posted yesterday:
(NEW LISTING!)Voile Switchback X2 Telemark Bindings: $160
Scarpa telemark boots/7: $30
Climbing skins/Alpinist: $75
Giro helmet: $40 OBO
Karhu tele skis: 175 OBO
Bib style women's ski pants: $50.00
Women's ski pants size 14: $20.00
Avalanche Shovel - New: $20
Free 200cm Fischer Skate Skis: FREE
Login to the website at https://ski.nmccskiclub.org/ and go to Resources>Gear Exchange>Gear Listings for details.
I also received the following gear request -- please feel free to email her directly if you have skis to sell or advice:
- Name: Elizabeth Ziers
- Email: elziers100 at gmail.com
- Message: I bought the wrong skis for trails. Does anyone know where I can buy some used cc skis, about 175 cm, with metal strips? Mine won't let me snowplow, and I\'m going to break my leg when we ski on trails in the Sandias. Thank you.
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