[NMCCSC] FW: Groomed XC ski trails at the Chama Race Site

Sam Beard samgbeard at msn.com
Sat Jan 7 12:42:51 MST 2023

Hello Skiers,

Information about grooming Chama Chile Ski Classic race site.


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From: Mary Ann DeBoer<mailto:chamavalleyoutdoors at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2023 8:37 AM
Subject: Groomed XC ski trails at the Race Site


John Beaver groomed the trails at the Chama Chile Ski Classic race site, located 12 miles north of Chama, between mile markers 2 and 3, on Highway 17.  The trail is groomed for classic and skate ski enthusiasts featuring world class conditions today!

The course will remain open after the Chama Chile Ski Classic (which is occurring next weekend, Jan. 14-16) and will be groomed periodically throughout the season.   Tell your friends!

The trails include a 1 km meadow loop, a 3k loop, and a 6K loop.

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