[NMCCSC] Jemez conditions

bronwyn willis bronkw at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 17:05:44 MST 2023

We skied Redondo campground today..it was beautiful.in there.Condit ions
were ok s but the snow started sticking in sunny spots.When the
temp.dropped a bit there was more opportunity to kick and glide.Sooo...I
suggest taking maxiglide or the such if headed that way.
By the time we left at around 2.15pm  the roads were fine...as far as I
could see from the Redondo parking lot and down the Canyon into Jemez.
A great day and again, thank you Louise for road condition info.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023, 8:35 PM Louise Broadbent via NMCCSCeGroup <
nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

> I am sorry I do not have skiing conditions because we have only been
> skiing from our house.  I just wanted to relay our information on roads and
> parking.  We drove from Los Alamos to La Cueva around 4:30 PM and at that
> time they had not plowed out parking for Coyote Call, Los Conchas or
> Redondo parking area yet.  They had plowed Los Griegos and Corral Canyon
> once but those have more snow since they were plowed.  It was snowing on
> our way home and we encountered a snow plow flipped on it side.  That said
> we got home fine.  You should have four wheel or all wheel drive or
> chains.  If you can get to any ski area it should be great conditions just
> be prepared and bring a shovel.  The weather is clearing for awhile and I
> think it will be OK by Sunday.  I will try to give an update.  We just
> don’t get out to trails when we can ski from the door.  Happy skiing to all.
> From: Louise Broadbent
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