[NMCCSC] !!Ski Club Newsletter Chair Needed!!

Bet Gendron bettygendron at gmail.com
Wed May 24 16:40:43 MDT 2023

Hi All Of You 'pining-away-for-more-snow' Fellow Skiers!

I know you are trying to conceive of what you could possibly be doing in
our 'Off-Season' until we get back to our snow!  Well.. our Fall Ski Club
Picnic is already being planned!  See?  It won't be long.  However, we
don't have a Newsletter person to put out the fun colorful announcement.

Want to consider doing our Newsletter next year?  It always changes with
the person, no need to be the same.  But it helps the Club so much.  Amy
Mathis was our Chair last year, see her words-
*If you are at all considering this position, please know that you won't be
left alone to figure out how to do this.  I am happy to try to help you get
started!  I use an old mac computer (about 8 years old) and I use the Pages
program.  Pages is similar to Word and the final copy is exported to a
pdf.  If you are at all interested in this position, please let me or any
of the other board members know and I can get started working with you!*

I am also including Amy's writeup of the Chair's to-do list from the March
[image: 20230524_161015.jpg]

If you have interest, or want to know more, you can contact Amy at
Newsletter at nmccskiclub.org.
Or you can contact me-  Bet at bettygendron at gmail.com  (or copy to both)
*Think snow!  Ha!*
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