[NMCCSC] Call out for a Cross Country Ski Co-Instructor
Mary K. Gallagher
mkg2404 at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 1 10:12:29 MST 2025
The NMCCSC Board and the present instructor, Dana Price, have decided it is time to fill a co-instructor position to start for the 2025/2026 ski season. Responsibilities include:
- Assist in updating beginner's classroom instruction slides
- Assist in scheduling beginner's classroom sessions, reserve library conference room for in-person instruction
- develop instructional materials and resource lists
- brainstorm/ generate ideas for instructional events and clinics
- coordinate ad hoc instructors to schedule outdoor events, avoiding conflicts with other cross country ski club events
- attend membership and board meetings
- develop clinic agenda ideas based on past instructional clinics and the present membership needs
- lead beginner and intermediate ski outings as well as recruiting other members to instruct in initial on snow instruction
- Support integration of new members to the club especially those members new to cross-country skiing.
Yes, it looks like a lot. It does come together easily as the season progresses. Dana has more than several years of experience.
Any questions, please contact either myself or Dana. Thank you.
Mary Kaye Gallagher
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