[NMCCSC] Neff mountain yurt available this weekend

Amy Weber amycweber at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 19:42:32 MST 2025

Hi all, my friend has the Neff mountain yurt reserved for this Friday and Saturday that his group can’t use. It has a hillside that's good for downhill skiing. However, this season they’re concerned that the coverage wouldn't be enough for a safe time. However, there are several miles of cross country trails around there which would probably be fine. The yurt has two bunk beds, a wood stove, an outhouse, and a propane stove. Propane and wood are supplied. I think it cost them $500, but they would probably take what they could get. Email steve at mccormickarchitects.com if interested!


> On Jan 21, 2025, at 7:11 PM, David D Antonio via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:
> Skiers: Doug Erb and David D'Antonio.
> Conditions: About 28" of snow, calm with temps never reaching 10 degrees F.
> A Bode's breakfast burrito powered us up the trail. Doug commented afterwards that it was steady 4 mile up the whole way. With the cold, you don't really stop, keep moving keeps you warm. Other than one small spot that was windblown and now icy with a few rocks poking through, the snow was good to excellent. We arrived at the yurt at 4pm, happy and exhausted. Got right to work: heat and water. Took awhile for the yurt to heat up, we probably felt coldest at this time. Our toes wouldn't unfreeze. But a warm yurt, a good dinner and conversation and a warm sleeping bag were wonderful payoffs. Not to mention beer.
> Short tours the next day. A 2 hour up and down through the woods, followed by lunch and relax at the yurt and then another 1 1/2 in the late afternoon. Après ski hour, dinner, games, fun.
> Each night clear and below zero. You could go out to the outhouse in your yurt clothes and not feel cold at all. Of course, not too long!
> Skied out in the blink of an eye, under 2 hours. Where did the time go?
> Sorry you couldn't make it!
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