I rode the tram up today and only saw a handful of skiers. It started snowing about 11. Made my way down to 10K mostly cutting my own trail because I lost the trail I was trying to follow. Followed ATV tracks to Ellis, then headed out Survey where I broke trail all the way to the overlook. You're welcome. No one had skied out 10k or down the N Crest trail.

The Nordic clubbers were out in their trail area (10k-Ellis) running their ATV around, it was too deep for the roller groomer until they packed it down some.

On my way back to the tram it was all ski tracks on switchback and rocky point. No snowshoe tracks.

Agree with all that's been said below. Excellent conditions so anywhere you can get to should be enjoyable. The getting there could be another story...

Sent from my Android phone with GMX Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
On 12/31/18, 9:28 AM Michael Mcdonald via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:
Though the road up to Sandia crest was closed to car traffic, skiing was great around Doc Long’s and the lower Faulty Trail, which is just beyond the roadblock. So great that I thanked the Sherif’s doing the closure work for forcing me to change plans. I imagine the snow throughout the Sandias will be nice today too. I recommend exploring these lower trails while they last. The the higher elevations can wait.

Michael McDonald

On Dec 31, 2018, at 7:51 AM, dldpierson--- via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

The road was closed but the tram was in full operation yesterday. Randy & I took the tram. I haven't seen that much snow on Sandia for years. The conditions were beautiful! Was surprised that most of the wooded trails were untouched. Very few people skiing up there.

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