The Bus Trips for the 2018/19 season were picked by your Bus Trip Chairpersons from the votes for favorite Ski Areas from the 2017/18 Club Bus Trip participants.

Leadville and Ouray had the most votes so we picked them. The Club had been to Leadville many times but to Ouray only once in the last 6 years.

The response was sort of surprising. Leadville filled right up but Ouray sold 26 seats and no more, no matter what we did.

We decided to cancel the Ouray trip and replace it with a trip to Pagosa Springs. However circumstances beyond our control - the main one being that FTS is unable to provide a driver - have derailed our plans.

The Board of Directors has decided that it is too late to pull this second Trip together, so we will not offer a Bus Trip to Pagosa Springs this season. 

Checks (or charges) for the Ouray Trip will be destroyed (or were never processed). If you have any questions about payment refund, contact Max Shepherd (

We really tried to offer our members two Bus Trips this season but it just did not come together. Perhaps a re-try will work next year?


Angela & Bob