Hello Skiers,
On Sunday, January 20, Ruth Bargman-Romero and Sam Beard led a Class I outing to the Redondo Campground area in the Jemez Mountains. Twenty-nine Ski Club members skied in two groups with many skiers being in the "faster" group, but most completed the loop at about the same time. A few skiers were having equipment issues but with a great attitude they still got some skiing in and enjoyed the day.
From the parking lot on NM-4, the skiers went into the campground, turned left, and skied a clockwise 2.5-mile loop in the forest of large pine and fir trees around the campground. This loop is easy to ski with very little elevation change. We had lunch near the end of the loop at NM-4 east of the cars where the trail turns north into the campground and back to the parking lot.

 After lunch some of the members skied back to the vehicles, but seventeen skied the Crater Spur Trail south of the Loop Trail. This trail is about one mile round-trip and passes two craters associated with the volcanic activity that formed the Valles Caldera. The larger crater is about 100 feet deep and 400 feet in diameter. This trail crosses the edge of the smaller crater, follows part of Old Hwy-4 and returns to the crater on a former logging road.

special thanks to experienced ski club members that helped with the large group of beginners; Max Shepard, Peggy Roberts, Mike and Frances Meier.

Snow conditions varied from crusty where it had melted some on Saturday, to powder on the north slopes in the shade, and finally wet snow in the sun. MaxiGlide helped reduce the collection of snow on the ski bottoms. The group arrive at the campground at about 10 am and left at 2 pm.
The members, (and a few guests), on this outing were Ruth Bargman-Romero, Sam Beard, Dennis Crowther, Becky Johnston, Andrew Steyer, Michele Lipmann, Karen Kvam, Merry Nicholson, Steve Mahieu, Sherry Mahieu, Kathleen Diegert, Carl Diegert, Mike Meier, Frances Meier, Barbara Alexander, John Koodrich, Dennis Clark, Nancy Varvil, Cabell Hodges, Chris Cochrum, Mary Cochrum, Peggy Roberts, Faye Rafferty, Lori Moore, David Fitzgerald, Lauren Pierce, Max Shepherd, Susan Cahoon, and Emily Sperbeck.
Ruth and Sam