Hello Skiers,
On Saturday, January 26, Ruth Bargman-Romero and Sam Beard led 24 Club members on a Class I/Class II trip to the Corral Canyon area in the Jemez Mountains. This area is located on the south side of NM-4 about one-half mile west of the southwest
corner of Valle Grande.
The skiers divided into three groups depending on skier experience (beginner, Class I, and Class II). Ruth and Peggy Roberts worked with beginners who practiced kick and glide and were introduced to turns and downhill skiing. Sam's group
of skiers who had had a lesson and some experience practiced step turns, falling down and getting up, forward sidestep, traversing, snowplow turns, and downhill skiing. A few tried stem turns. After lunch this group traversed across the large east side meadow
to join Calzada Trail where it enters the forest. After skiing on the mountainside through the burned forest for about one-half mile, this group descended to the bottom of Corral Canyon and skied back to the highway.
Bet Gendron and Carl Smith led a group of more experienced skiers about one mile up Calzada Trail from the highway to the junction with Corral Canyon Trail. Most of this route is across moderate to steep mountainsides in which one ski is
usually higher than the other. After lunch they returned to the lower part of Corral Canyon where they practiced Telemark turns on the open hillside.
A few skiers enjoyed a Class I one-mile round-trip tour to the west in a long meadow parallel to the highway.
The day was clear with moderate temperatures, and the group was the snow about 4 hours.
The skiers were Deborah Hollis, Chris and Mary Cochrum, Carl Smith, Ellen Bauman, Carl and Kathleen Diegert, Debbie Rienstra, Kathy Gorospe, Evelyn Konigsberg, Laura Edwards, Michael Arndt, Max Shepherd, David Fitzgerald, Bet Gendron, Steve
Gendron, Margaret and John Vierbuchen, Peggy Roberts, Maryann Terry, Nancy Varvil, Bernie Rubenstein, Ruth Bargman-Romero, and Sam Beard.
Photos by Carl Smith and Michael Arndt are presented in the attached file.
Ruth and Sam