Hello Skiers,
I will lead a Class I-II outing to the Coyote Call Loop Trail on the Valles Caldera National Preserve on Friday, March 15. The trailhead is located on NM-4 south of Valle Grande.
This trail is about 3 miles in length with an elevation change of about 400 feet. Most of the trail follows old roads with two segments being parallel to the highway with little elevation change. We will ski the loop in a clockwise direction
and will ski up the moderately steep east segment. The west segment descends to the highway with skiing in open meadows. Almost all this loop is on north-facing slopes, and the snow conditions should be good following the storms this week. The trailhead elevation
is about 8750 feet.
Meet at 8 am on the west side of the Target store at the intersection of I-25 North and Paseo del Norte.
Bring lunch, snacks, drinks, warm clothes, skis, boots, and poles. Also, if you plan to ride with another driver, bring about $15 to help pay for car expenses.
Please email me at
sambeard@msn.com, if you plan to attend to help me with planning.
Please email me, if you have questions.