Hello VCNP Volunteers,
Please see the email below that was sent to Los Amigos members about our work on the VCNP in May.
Thank you very much for your work on this project.

---- Original Message -----
From: Los Amigos de Valles Caldera
To: samgbeard@msn.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 11:18 AM
Subject: Kudos to Trail Maintenance Volunteers

Supporting Valles Caldera National Preserve
for present and future generations

Kudos to the Volunteer

Trail Maintenance Crew!

Volunteers from Los Amigos de Valles Caldera and the N. M. Cross Country Ski Club performed spring maintenance on five roads and trails on the Valles Caldera National Preserve from May 13-17, 2019. A total of 308 down trees were removed from the roads and trails. Cleared trees ranged from 16” to 26” in diameter.

The sawyers are certified in chain saw use and safety. Total time worked by volunteers on this project was 221 hours. Volunteers were Jerry Carroll, Beth Carroll, Sam Beard, Dennis Crowther, Dan Benton, Bob Guarnieri, and Lena Patterson from the Albuquerque area and Jim Counce from Jemez Springs.

Sam Beard, NMCCSC Trails Chair and Los Amigos Member and Jim Counce, Los Amigos Vice Chair planned and led the work project. Work was performed on South Mountain, Rabbit Ridge, Coyote Call, North and South VC-0201 and Valle Grande trails.
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Located in the heart of the Jemez Mountains in north-central New Mexico, the preserve features huge mountain meadows, abundant wildlife, and meandering streams. The area also preserves the homeland of ancestral native peoples and embraces a rich ranching history.
Los Amigos de Valles Caldera
P.O. Box 31952
Santa Fe, NM 87594-1952


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Los Amigos de Valles Caldera · PO Box 31952 · Santa Fe, NM 87594-1952 · USA

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