Hi Fellow XC Skiers,
I am working on presentations for this coming season and have several lined up so far which I think you will find informative and interesting to attend. First is the upcoming year winter weather predictions by NOAA (as we had last year), followed by a global warming presentation with an emphasis on what we as individuals can do to counter it, and then a discussion on technology available to assist us in planning a ski tour.

I am short one presentation however, so if you have any ideas for something that you think the membership would find interesting and/or helpful please let me know. While directly ski related is always good, I think anything pertaining to the outdoors and the health/well being of our forests would be valuable for all to hear. Any ideas are welcome, and if you have a presenter in mind too (maybe yourself???) that would be helpful.

Bob Guarnieri

NMCCSkiClub Program Director