Hello Skiers,
The current volunteer agreement between the Ski Club and the Jemez Ranger District expires on Wednesday, October 23. I am planning ski trail maintenance on the following Fridays: Oct. 4, Oct. 11, and Oct. 18.
We will be working on Fridays, because the elk hunting seasons in the Jemez Mountains where our trails are located are all from Saturday to Wednesday each week. We stopped working on trails during elk and deer hunting seasons several years ago. I also want to do the maintenance early before there is snow on the ground. One year, we were working in several inches of snow on Los Griegos Mountain. We could not find the trail, because the Cajete Fire has burned the trees and blue diamonds.
Each Friday, we will meet at 8 am on the west side of the parking lot at the Target store at the intersection of Paseo del Norte and I-25 North. The latest that we will return to Albuquerque is 6 pm assuming that the latest time we will depart the Jemez is 4 pm.
We will be using chain saws and hand tools. Certified chain sawyers must wear 8-inch high boots and chaps. Volunteers working close to sawyers must also wear chaps. I will have a few pairs of chaps for volunteers to borrow. Hard hats are also required, and I have a few to loan. Bring eye protection and ear protection. I have some ear plugs and a few pairs of safety glasses. Everyone must wear work gloves, long pants, a long sleeve shirt, and sturdy boots with slip-resistant soles.
We will car pool. If you plan to ride with someone else, please bring $15 for car expenses.
I plan to work on trails in the following ski areas: Oct. 4 -- Los Griegos Mountain; Oct. 11 -- East Fork; and Oct. 18 -- Peralta Area (Corral Canyon Trail and parts of Calzada Trail).
Please let me know the days that you plan to work.
Sam Beard, Trails Chair
New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club