Hi All,


I’m too am glad that we have received enough clarification on the injunction that we can resume trail work. Just to clarify, we can cut out and remove down trees but we aren’t able to fell standing trees at this time.


Thank you all for the work you do out there. It’s great to see that this is an active group!



Leah Hurley



Recreation Staff Officer

Santa Fe National Forest

Jemez & Cuba Ranger Districts

51 Woodsy Lane

Jemez Springs, NM 87025

Phone: 575-829-3535

Fax: 575-829-3223

Email: leahhurley@fs.fed.us

RPCV Paraguay 2009-2011


From: Dianne Cress [mailto:diannecress@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 1:22 PM
To: Sam <samgbeard@msn.com>; Ralph Wrons <rwrons@gmail.com>
Cc: Flaharty, Brett - FS <brett.flaharty@usda.gov>; NMCCSCEGroup@mailman.swcp.com; Hurley, Leah - FS <leah.hurley@usda.gov>
Subject: Re: [NMCCSC] Trail work on Griegos Mtn in Jemez Ranger District, Sat., 10/4/19


Thank goodness the general ban on cutting in the national forest was lifted!


On Monday, October 7, 2019, 8:18:30 PM MDT, Ralph Wrons via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:



Thanks Sam and Michael and the JRD officers for this important multi-pronged work.  Let it snow — in mid November — again and again.


On Oct 6, 2019, at 10:46 AM, Sam via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

Hello Skiers,


On Friday, Oct. 4, 2019, Club members Michael Arndt and Sam Beard worked with two Jemez Ranger District (JRD) employees to remove down trees from Ladera Trail and Elk Ridge Trail on Griegos Mountain. The crew did not work on the switchbacks on the upper part of Ladera Trail.


The USFS employees were Leah Hurley, JRD Recreation Staff Officer, and Brett Flaharty, Recreation Trails/Wilderness Program Manager. 


In addition to bringing a chain saw, they brought blue diamonds and 3-inch aluminum nails. Numerous diamonds and a couple of trailhead difficulty signs were nailed to trees. The original markers were destroyed in the Cajete Fire a few years ago, and finding the trail route was difficult in places. 


Approximately a dozen down trees were cut and removed from the trails. Unknown persons had added some diamonds and removed some trees from the trails.


The crew was working in rain showers until lunch.


The Ski Club appreciates the support of the Jemez Ranger District and especially thanks Brett and Leah for working in the rain and helping the Club crew with this project.


Photos of the trail work and bridge construction near the Ranger Station are presented in the attached Word document.


Sam Beard, Trails Chair

New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club


<Photos 10-4-19 Griegos Mtn Trail Work in Jemez Ranger District.doc>

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