Bill White will be there Friday, with sharpened chains!

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 12:42 PM W Cox via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:
See you Friday.  Thanks 

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 11:25 AM, Sam via NMCCSCeGroup
Hello Skiers,
REMINDER -- Trail maintenance on Calzada and Corral Canyon Trails in Jemez Mtns, Friday, Oct. 18.
Please see details below.
Thank you.
Hello Skiers,
On Friday, October 18, we will continue removing down trees from segments of Calzada and Corral Canyon Trails in the Peralta Area near FR-280 in the Jemez Ranger District. We will drive to Junction Meadow and work on the traverse from the north end of Junction Meadow Ridge down to the south end of the meadow. We will then drive to Tee Intersection at the south end of FR-280 and work on the south end of Corral Canyon Trail that goes to the NE around a small mountain. Mike Meier reported many trees down on this part of Corral Canyon Trail.
We will meet at 8 am on the west side of the parking lot at the Target store at the intersection of Paseo del Norte and I-25 North. The latest that we will return to Albuquerque is 6 pm assuming that the latest time we will depart the Jemez is 4 pm. 
We will be using chain saws and hand tools. Certified chain sawyers must wear 8-inch high boots and chaps. Volunteers working close to sawyers must also wear chaps. I will have a few pairs of chaps for volunteers to borrow. Hard hats are also required, and I have a few to loan. Bring eye protection and ear protection. I have some ear plugs and a few pairs of safety glasses. Everyone must wear work gloves, long pants, a long sleeve shirt, and sturdy boots with slip-resistant soles.
We will car pool. If you plan to ride with someone else, please bring $15 for car expenses.
Please let me know if you plan to work.
Sam Beard, Trails Chair
New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club
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