Hello Skiers,
On Friday, Oct. 11, eight Ski Club members worked to remove fallen trees from parts of Corral Canyon Trail and Calzada Trail in the Peralta Area in the Jemez Ranger District (JRD).
Mike Meier from Los Alamos had hiked these trails and reported over a hundred trees down. All the trees on these trees were killed in the Las Conchas Fire in 2011. The trees have been dead 8 years, and many have been falling each year. Many
more fell this year, because a "bomb cyclone" with very high winds occurred in parts of the JRD, the Valles Caldera National Preserve, and forests near Los Alamos.
Three USFS certified chain sawyers cut the down trees, and the other five volunteers removed the wood from the trail. One volunteer also nailed blue plastic diamonds provided by the JRD to trees to mark the trails better.
We did not have time to remove all the down trees; therefore, we decided to remove diamonds from enough trail segments that skiers may ski the upper loop in this area using trails and a Forest Service Road. The area will be accessed by the
lower part of Corral Canyon Road that starts on the south side of NM-4 about one-half mile from the SW corner of Valle Grande.
Along the upper part of Corral Canyon Trail from Junction Meadow to FR-282, the volunteers removed 15 down trees. They then walked down this road to Tee Intersection and removed about 25 trees from the southern part of Calzada Trail back
to Junction Meadow making a total of about 40 trees that were removed all day. Only 3 trees were removed from the part of Corral Canyon Trail from Junction Meadow to the highway.
The very hard working volunteers were Eric Russell, Sam Beard, Paul Eichel, Cathy Eichel, Max Shapiro, Jerry Carroll, Mike Meier, and Michael Arndt.
Next Friday, Oct. 18, we plan to return to this area and remove more trees.
Sam Beard, Trails Chair
New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club