Hello Skiers,
On Friday, Nov. 1, four volunteers completed the fall maintenance of Corral Canyon Trail in the eastern part of the Jemez Ranger District. On earlier outings, down trees were removed from this trail below and above Junction Meadow and between Tee Intersection and Boomer Overlook.
On Friday, Jerry Carroll and Tom Broadbent drove their 4WD pickups up FR-280 and FR-282 to the intersection with the trail. From the parked vehicles, everyone hiked to the west to Boomer Overlook where there is a view of the Sandia Mountains on the southern horizon. In this one-quarter mile segment of the trail, the crew removed 50 down trees with the maximum diameter being about 24 inches. All the trees in this area died 8 years ago in the Las Conchas Fire, and large numbers of them fall each year.
In addition to Jerry and Tom, the volunteers were Dean Athow and Sam Beard.
Photos of the trail and work are presented in the attached Word document.
Sam Beard, Trails Chair
New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club