 I have received an email from SWCP support. SWCP (SouthWestCyberPort) is the company that supplies and manages our eGroup list server. We pay them for this service.

They report that some @comcast recipients in NMCCSC have been reporting their NMCCSC emails as spam. When comcast gets that message it CANCELS ALL NMCCSC emails going to all @comcast recipients. This impacts a large number of our club members.

SWCP is doing an investigation as to who these 'spam reporters' are. A few lines of information have been added to the bottom of the emails from NMCCSC. They will use the information in those lines to discover the 'spam reporters' and then remove them from the list.

Please Don't Spam The NMCCSC Emails--
  If you don't want to receive NMCCSC emails then go to the bottom of the email and click on UnSubscribe.or contact me and I'll remove you from the list.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.    Marilynn   EGroup Chair