On Saturday, February 29, Michael Arndt, Leslie LaBry, and I will lead an outing to the Coyote Call area on the Valles Caldera National Preserve (VCNP) in the Jemez Mountains. I will review beginning techniques and lead easy Class I tours in the meadows, and Michael and Leslie will co-lead a Class I-II tour on the Coyote Call Loop Trail.
1. Beginning Techniques and Class I Tour -- I will review beginning cross country ski techniques and lead easy Class I tours on a couple of routes in the meadows near the highway.
2. Coyote Call Loop Trail -- Leslie and Michael will ski to the east from the trailhead on the lower Coyote Call road and continue to ski this loop in a clockwise direction. The second segment of this loop is moderately steep for about one-half mile and leads to the saddle between Rabbit Ridge and Scooter Peak. Skiers frequently have lunch on rocks in the saddle about a quarter-mile south of the top of the steep segment. The route then goes to the west about 1 mile on the middle Coyote Call road that has a gentle down grade where it is excellent to practice kick and glide. From a trail sign at the west side of the loop, the route descends about 400 feet to the highway through meadows and scattered trees.
I suggest bringing skins for the ascent of the second segment, but they are not required.
Bring ski equipment, lunch, drinks, and snacks. Dress warmly, because in the mornings the temperatures can be low.
Skiers are encouraged to bring MaxiGlide or some similar wax to put on ski bottoms in warm conditions to prevent the formation of ice on the bottom of the skis. Maxiglide is usual available at REI for about $15 for a small plastic container. It has the consistency of lard.
Meet on the west side of the Target parking lot at the intersection of Paseo del Norte and I-25N at 8 am.
If we are meeting you at the Home Depot on US-550 west of Bernalillo, we should be there about 8:30. We meet on the WEST side of the shed display on the WESTside of the large HD parking lot.
Bring about $15 for car expenses, if you plan to ride with another driver.
Please email me, if you plan to go or have questions.
Sam Beard