[Rg65coa] RG65 News for March 2018

rg65coadir via Rg65coa rg65coa at mailman.swcp.com
Sun Mar 11 13:20:43 MDT 2018

Here are the results of the 2018 RG65 US National Championship

1, Calvin Obara Sail # 323, Scurry, 26 pts.
2, Tony Gonsalves Sail # 151,  Missile, 34 pts.

3, Marc Smith Sail # 181, Argon, 64.3 pts.

4, Mike Campbell Sail # 165, Skinny Mark 1, 89 pts.

5, Lou Rasmussen Sail #322,  Skinny Mark 1, 90 pts.

6, Walter House Sail # 811, Goth, 100 pts. 

7, Rick Ault Sail # 320, Little Best Mark 3, 103 pts.

8, Dan Masessa Sail # 44, Little Best Mark 1, 129 pts. 

9, Craig Huzway Sail # 58,  Pakinto, 169 pts.

During A-rig wind all but two boats used Swing-Rigs.

Most of the weekends regatta B or smaller rigs were used on a long windward leeward course setup by RD Dennis Dwyer. A total of 24 heats were run 
with the above list being the finishing order. Winds during the weekend were mostly out of the North with sustained winds averaging 18 mph gusting to 27 


San Diego has placed a bid to host the 2019 Championships, date to be determined. This location would conform to our informal policy of alternating between the East and West Coasts. If no other club bids before 15 March I will award the regatta to San Diego. If other clubs bid we will discuss, as there is plenty of time to decide.

Nobody had any questions about the agreement between the IRSA and the RG65 ICA so we can consider that issue history and get ready for this year's sailing season, which has already started for some of us. Please don't forget the upcoming Rio Grande Cup in Albuquerque in April and the Region 3 Championship in Reston, VA in May. Links to the NORs can be found at rg65usa.org.

We need more Regional and Open events to draw skippers together from larger areas. Please talk this up with your clubs and get in touch with me if you have any ideas. We are prepared to help with the preparation of Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions, and support for Sportsmanship trophies. If you do hold a significant event, please do not forget the Statement of Good Faith on your entry forms, it's one of the many things that makes our class distinctive.



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