[Volunteers_fosm] FOSM Website

Joseph C. Giles cliffgiles at mac.com
Sat Feb 26 09:07:54 MST 2022

Friends of the Sandia Mountains,

I am delighted to announce that FOSM Secretary Silke Bletzer is now helping me maintain the FOSM website <https://friendsofthesandias.org/> and amazed at how quickly she came up to speed on the authoring tools. 

Silke and I want to hear from the membership about any suggested improvements to the site. Please forward your suggestions to either or both of us at:

Silke - sbletzer at gmail.com <mailto:sbletzer at gmail.com>
Cliff - cliffgiles at mac.com <mailto:cliffgiles at mac.com>, webmaster at friendsofthesandias.org <mailto:webmaster at friendsofthesandias.org>

Thank you, Silke, for “volunteering” to take on this additional task!

Cliff Giles
FOSM Vice-President

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