Sorry, some more details so everyone is on the same page. 

Send your hours directly to Antonio at Please do not reply to this email.

You can request an Excel form from me or just send your hours to Antonio via email. Either way works.


Bob Galloway
FOSM Project Leader

On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 8:25 PM Bob Galloway <> wrote:
The Sandia Ranger District (SRD) depends on volunteers reporting their hours to support agency funding recognition. I always forget but volunteer hours should be forwarded by individuals to Antonio Garcia, SRD Volunteer Partnership & Visitor Program Manager, at the end of each quarter. Include any commuting or prep time for projects. 

Sally Lowder has a Word-based spreadsheet and I have an Excel-based spreadsheet to report volunteer hours by activity. These forms can be provided on request. 

The reporting quarters start October 1 and end September 30 of each fiscal year. Hours should be reported to Antonio through the end of December, March, and June. Thanks!

Bob Galloway
FOSM Project Leader