Special trail projects are off-schedule work designed to wrap up loose ends of Sandia Ranger District (SRD) trail projects worked by the Friends of the Sandia Mountains (FOSM) volunteer trail crew. 

On May 14, seven volunteers working with Russell Berman, Cibola National Forest and Grasslands Resource Assistant - Trails, tied up loose ends on three projects. The list of projects is endless but these are now taken care of.  

First the crew completed a reroute on lower Armijo Trail #222 started last December. The task took longer than expected as we found sections of tread needing to be leveled, backslope cleaned up, and some stumps pulled. 

Next the crew drove up Cienega Canyon to a place on Upper Acequia Trail where the root ball of a Rocky Mountain juniper was obstructing the trail. Always fun ripping these out and clearing the trail. 

The last task was installing the sign panels on a kiosk procured with a generous 2018 grant to FOSM from REI. The kiosk has plenty of space for USFS trail information and maps of the SRD trail system.

The seven FOSM volunteers were Steve Roholt, Don Carnicom, Lorna Morrow, Jim Houle, Phil Cromer, and Betsy and Bob Galloway.

All photos in the attachment by Betsy Galloway. 

Bob Galloway
FOSM Project Leader