Hello Everyone:
Please see the email below from Sandra Arazi-Coambs, Sandia and Mountainair District Archaeologist, concerning a proposed roof project at the Water Canyon Cabin on the Magdalena Ranger District.
Please route any responses directly to Sandra. Her contact information is shown in her message.
Bob L.
From: Coambs, Sandra -FS <sandra.coambs@usda.gov>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 1:20 PM
To: Lowder, Robert (rjlowder@msn.com)
Subject: Water Canyon Cabin Volunteers
Hi Bob, I hope you are doing well!
Last year I pitched the idea of conducting work on Water Canyon Cabin roof on the Magdalena District. As it turns out, the forest may have some money to spend on these repairs. I know that FOSM didn’t want to take this on as an official project but there
were several members that spoke to me independently that appeared to be interested. I was wondering if could pass this information on to the FOSM folks and have them get in touch with me if they are interested in participating?

Sandra Arazi-Coambs
Sandia and Mountainair District Archaeologist
Forest Service
Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands, Sandia Ranger District
p: 505-281-3304 x5104
f: 505-281-1176
11776 Highway 337
Tijeras, NM 87059
Caring for the land and serving people
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