Hello Everyone:
Yesterday, June 10, 2019, the FOSM Trails Crew returned to 10K South trail to continue fallen tree removal work that originally began on snowshoes in late winter. While it was not possible to provide a completely accurate count of the number of trees removed due to a couple of "train wreck" situations where the number of involved trees was not determined, a total of nine trees ranging in size from three to fourteen inches in diameter were taken off. Crosscut saws and other hand tools were used. Where possible, the team divided into two crews to expedite the work.
In two of the "train wreck" locations it was noted that opting for a trail re-route made more sense than taking the time to clear away massive jumbles of fallen trees and branches. Once again, the proportion of fallen green trees exceeded the more commonly found number of dry and dead ones. Perhaps the combination of moist soils and abnormally high winds this spring may have contributed to this seeming anomaly. 10K South trail is now clear along its entire length.
Yesterday's crew consisted of Cliff Giles, Sim Cook, Byron Garner, Jim Levesque, Cleve Sharp, Dave McCreery and Bob Lowder.
Please see attached Word file for photos and additional narrative. All photos by crew members.
Bob L