PRESENTER - PAULINE HO - Pauline retired from Sandia National Laboratories after many years as a physical chemist.  She is now happily retired and spends her time arranging domestic and international travel for herself, her husband (Rick Buss - another physical chemist retired from Sandia), friends and family.

ABSTRACT - In the last few years we've been taking trips that I'm calling Science Voluntourism.  This includes going to Nicaragua for studies of the Masaya Volcano, to Peru to study Macaws/mammals in the jungle, to Costa Rica to study caterpillars or collect wild bees, as well as Mongolia, Joshua Tree NP, and the Galapagos.  For these trips, what we pay covers travel for the scientists, equipment, housing and food.  We get the fun of doing scientific fieldwork, but none of the non-fun work of writing papers or grant proposals.

Louis D. Romero