Hello Everyone,
On Wednesday, June 19, eight FOSM volunteers continued thinning in the meadow restoration part of the Cedro CFRP south of FR-242 and east of NM-337.
The volunteers felled pinon and juniper trees with diameters less than 13 inches and scattered the slash. Large pieces of wood such as the trunks were stacked so that they could be seen and possibly collected later as donation wood for needy families in the East Mountain Area.
The crew thinned approximately two acres of pinon/juniper forest. The larger thinned area is partially due to the presence of small meadows in this western part of the FOSM section. Although five sawyers worked on Wed., only four were operating chain saws at any one time, because we did not have enough swampers for each sawyer to have a swamper all day.
The volunteers were Bob Lowder, Lou Romero, Eric Russell, Dan Benton, Jerry Carroll, Jim Levesque, Jerry Pekarek, and Sam Beard.
Project photos are presented in the attached Word document.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair,
Friends of the Sandia Mountains