Hello Everyone,
On Wednesday, June 26, six FOSM volunteers continued to thin the piñon and juniper forest in the Cedro CFRP (Collaborative Forest Restoration Project) south of FR-242 (Juan Tomas Road) and east of NM-337.
This western part of the FOSM 36-acre area contains small dense groves of trees and scattered trees in meadows. The FOSM project is meadow restoration by removing the trees under 13 inches in diameter.  Work done last year is already showing positive results, as wildflowers are abundant in the areas previously cleared by FOSM and contract masticators.  Common species include Santa Fe Phlox, Indian Paintbrush, Scarlet Bugler Penstemon, Wandbloom Penstemon, and Coreopsis.
The crew stopped working at 1 pm due to the heat. Additional work will be postponed until  the fall when the temperatures are lower.
The volunteers on Wednesday were Jerry Pekarek, Dan Benton, Jim Levesque, Lou Romero, Jerry Carroll, and Sam Beard.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains