Howdy all,
Please find the attached Scoping Letter and Maps for the “Sandia Trails Improvements Project”. This is a pretty far-ranging project to include trails in Placitas as well as several locations on the east side with the overall purpose to provide the same elements we’ve been working on around Cedro. Loops, connections and more trail opportunities for more types of uses while protecting natural and cultural resources. Specifically, you’ll see proposals for XC ski trails as well as downhill mountain biking trails both of which are long time uses and have operated on the “margins” up to now.
The project definitely does not include everything but it’s a start. There will be additional opportunity when the district starts the “La Madera” project in a few years but this will be enough work for a while!
Anyway, please distribute to your respective groups, etc and let folks know the comment period ends July 30th. Comments need to be specific and substantive.
Lastly, I’ve mentioned to a few folks I’d be happy to schedule a time(s) to answer questions, gather feedback. Ideally those opportunities would occur during the comment period so let me know and we can get something scheduled.
The letter and maps should also be available shorty here: