The Friends of the Sandia Mountains (FOSM) will continue work on the Cienega-Armijo Trail Improvement Project (CATIP) for the Sandia Ranger District. We will go back to extending a trail which will eventually connect to Faulty Trail, #195. 

We will be accessing the work site from private property with limited parking.  Because we must carpool to the extent possible and the trails are not well marked, I do not recommend hiking out before we end the work session. The hike in is around 1.5 miles with some steep climbs and rough terrain. 

So we can plan for tools, hard hats, and transportation, please let me know by email or text 1) IF you plan to participate, 2) IF you will need a hard hatand 3) IF you have any questions.   

Meet at the FOSM shed behind the Sandia Ranger District (SRD) on Thursday 7/11/19 ready to go at 0730. Bring your lunch, snacks, liquids, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Expect hot weather towards midday. We will work until around 1300. 

The standard USFS trail work PPE requirements apply: approved hard hat, eye protection, no open-toed shoes, work gloves, and pants (no shorts), no exceptions. An approved hard hat can be provided if needed. NOTE: short-sleeved shirts are fine but brushing, including trail obliteration, requires long sleeves.

Weather and trail conditions can change quickly. Please watch for last minute project updates or cancellation. 

Thanks. And I can amend this distribution list as desired.

Bob Galloway
FOSM Project Leader