Hello Everyone:
Yesterday, Monday, July 8, 2019, the FOSM Trails Crew hiked Armijo Trail, Faulty Trail south past Bart's Trail junction to approximately Cole Spring, then on the return trip, hiked back to the Cienega PA parking lot via Aceqia Trail. A total of eight trees
ranging in size from four to twenty inches in diameter were removed from the section of Faulty south of the Bart's junction. There was insufficient time to complete the hike further south to the Faulty/Upper Faulty junction. If any fallen trees are later reported
for that section of Faulty, the crew will return to address them. All the other trail sections were clear.
The day was clear with cool morning temperatures which warmed considerably as afternoon approached. There was not much of a breeze that day. It was apparent that there had been rain the previous evening as the ground was moist with a bit of mud in some
places. Much thanks and appreciation to everyone who had a part in the improvement work along Armijo Trail. It is now a much more pleasant hike than it was in previous years when the trail basically went through the bottom of an arroyo.
Yesterday's crew consisted of Cliff Giles, Jim Levesque, Byron Garner, Jerry Pekarek, David McCreery, Sim Cook, Cleve Sharp, Phil Cromer and Bob Lowder.
Please see attached Word document for photos and additional narrative. All photos by Cliff Giles, Cleve Sharp and Bob Lowder.
Bob L.