Thank you for sharing this.
I am sending this email in an effort to try to keep you all updated on what's happening or planned to be happening on the Sandia Ranger District. My hope is that you share this information with others. If they would like to be added to
my mailing list as this is being sent to FOSM's list. Have them send me their email. I apologize for not getting this information out sooner. Bear with me, this might be long and there is a second email!!!
The Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA) provides a list of proposals that will begin or are undergoing environmental analysis and documentation so that people can become aware of and indicate their interest in specific proposals. The SOPA
includes proposals whose decisions are expected to be documented in a Decision Memo, Decision Notice, or Record of Decision, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and agency direction. The SOPA is published in January, April, July, and October.
It contains the best available information at that time. Proposals that start and finish before the next schedule is produced will be listed in the next schedule as Completed.
Here is the link to the SOPA updated on July 1.
There are 2 new projects, the KNME Tower replacement and the Bernalillo Public Schools Fiber optic line. The Sandia Trails Improvements Project has been updated and the official scoping period is July 1-July 30.
If you would like additional information regarding either of those projects, please contact me or the contact listed on the projects.