Hello Everyone,
On Wednesday, July 10, eight FOSM volunteers completed processing the very large log and part of a smaller one in Balsam Glade Picnic Area and hauling it to the pile at the hazmat building where the Mountain Christian Church Wood Ministry will collect
it and distribute it to needy families.
The 29-inch diameter fir tree was felled as a hazard tree earlier this year by Jerry Carroll, and the crew then limbed it and cut into three large pieces. The smaller parts were bucked, split, and hauled to the Ranger Station last Wednesday. Today, they
completed bucking the large end of the log and splitting all the pieces into quarters so that they could be safely loaded on the USFS pickup. Although the length of the cut pieces was only 12 inches, each piece was too heavy for the crew to safely put on the
truck. Steel wedges and sledge hammers were used to manually split the rounds. Two large pickup loads of about 1 cord each were hauled to the hazmat pile. The Wood Ministry volunteers plan to collect the wood on Saturday, July 20.
The attached excellent photographic and narrative file by Sally Lowder shows all the steps in safely processing this very large log to the point where it could be loaded and hauled from the picnic area.
The hard working volunteers were Jerry Pekarek, Bob Lowder, Jim Levesque, Eric Russell, Sally Lowder, Sam Beard, Lou Romero, and Jerry Carroll.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains