End of August already! On 8/29/19, the Friends of the Sandia Mountains (FOSM) will go back to the 10k North Trail to complete some additional finish work. The 10k North Trail is a popular, heavily used trail on the Sandia Ranger District (SRD). 

Carpooling can be arranged, for those interested, from SRD but we need to know who plans to meet us there rather than driving themselves to the trailhead. 

So we can plan for tools, hard hats, and transportation, please let me know by email or text 1) IF you plan to participate, 2) IF you will need a hard hatand 3) IF you have any questions.   

For those meeting us at SRD on Thursday 8/29/19, meet at the FOSM shed ready to go at 0730. Or you can meet us at the 10k North trailhead between 0800 and 0815. Bring your own lunch, snacks, liquids, and sunscreen. We eat lunch at 1100, work until 1300 then hike out. 

The standard USFS trail work PPE requirements apply: approved hard hat, eye protection, no open-toed shoes, work gloves, and pants (no shorts), no exceptions. An approved hard hat can be provided if needed. NOTE: short-sleeved shirts are fine for cutting tread but brushing, including trail obliteration, requires long sleeves.

Weather and trail conditions can change quickly. Please watch for last minute project updates, changes, or cancellation. 

Thanks. And I can amend this distribution list as requested.

Bob Galloway
FOSM Project Leader