Hello Everyone,

On Wednesday, August 21, six FOSM volunteers continued to remove hazard trees at Dan's Loop between 10K Trailhead and Ellis Trailhead.
The crew felled a 36-inch diameter Douglas fir with a very tall main trunk and a shorter secondary trunk. The two trunks are shown in the first photo in the attached Word document. Although the secondary trunk was short, it was very heavy with large branches. Having the short trunk on top of the main trunk made limbing and bucking the short trunk more difficult. The small top of the main trunk was bucked, and the largest pieces were split. One load of wood was hauled to the hazmat building.
The volunteers were Lou Romero, Eric Russell, Dennis Crowther, Sim Cook, Sam Beard, and Don Carnicom.
Photos of the project are presented in the attached Word document.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains