Hello Everyone,

On Wednesday, August 28, seven FOSM volunteers removed a hazard tree at Dan's Loop and hauled the bucked wood to the hazmat building at the Ranger Station where it will be collected by the Mountain Christian Church Wood Ministry and donated to needy East Mountain families.
The photos in the attached Word document show the major tasks that were completed. After the 19-inch diameter dead Douglas fir was felled, it was bucked into 16-inch long pieces and loaded on a USFS truck. The pieces were small enough that it was not necessary to split them.
The trunk of the 36-inch tree felled last week was pulled from the hillside to the pavement with Dennis Crowther's Jeep and power winch so that it would be easier and safer to buck next Wednesday.
After the Douglas fir was bucked and loaded on the pickup, the trunk of a fir felled a few years ago was bucked and loaded. The stumps of three large trees felled earlier were low cut and split so that the pieces would be easier and safer to load.
The volunteers were Dan Benton, Jerry Carroll, Bill White, Eric Russell, Dennis Crowther, Sam Beard, and Sim Cook.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountain