Hello Everyone,
On Wednesday, September 4, four volunteers felled three hazard trees in Cienega Picnic Area. The volunteers were Eric Russell, Jerry Carroll, Don Carnicom, and Dan Benton.
The first tree was a fifteen-inch dead Rocky Mountain juniper along the north side of the road halfway between the lower and middle picnic areas. The second tree was also a fifteen inch juniper Don Carnicom found in the first picnic area
on the north side of the road. Straps and a come-along were used to pull this tree, because the top was hung up in adjacent trees and the tree needed to be guided away from a fence and between rock work along the creek. A four-inch dead box elder was felled
to clear an escape route. Both of these trees were bucked and the wood loaded on a USFS truck for the donation pile behind the hazmat building at the Ranger Station.
After lunch a fifteen-inch dead multi-trunk Gambel oak was felled near the first juniper, because it threatened to fall either on the road or on the Acequia Trail. A multi-trunk six-inch juniper was felled to clear the lay for the oak.
About a half cord of wood was added to the donation pile.
Project photos are presented in the attached Word document.
Dan Benton, Project Leader
Friends of the Sandia Mountains