Hello Everyone,
On Monday, Nov. 25, Russell and Ellie Parker and Sam Beard checked Oak Flat Picnic Area restroom roofs for leaks and completed a temporary patch over the hole in the Locust roof.
Leaks and damaged wooden roof sheaths were also found in the two Oak Loop restrooms. We found about 2 inches of snow on the roofs.
The attached Word document shows what was done to cover the hole in the Locust roof. FOSM volunteers will eventually replace all these old roofs with metal roofs. We completed the new roof on the Yucca restroom a few weeks ago.
If we have warm weather over the next few weeks, maybe we can replace the badly deteriorated roof on the La Cueva Picnic Area restroom on the west side of the mountain.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains