Hello Everyone,
Julie Padilla, Sandia Ranger District Acting Recreation Staff Officer and Cibola NF Recreation Partnerships and Information Coordinator, sent me the following email and requested that I send it to the SRD volunteers who may be interested in training on how to develop and present quality interpretive programs.
Participants who complete the 4-day course will be Certified Interpretive Guides. Pat Walsh with the N. M. State Parks will present the training.
Please see the following two emails for details.
Sam Beard, Projects Chair
Friends of the Sandia Mountains
 Hi Sam,

Wondering if you could help me send out this information to FOSM in case anyone might be interested? It is a great training for anyone interested in interpretation and is a program of the National Association of Interpretation.

 Julie Padilla

Recreation Partnerships and Information Coordinator

Cibola National Forest & Grasslands

p. 505-346-3847



From: Walsh, Patricia, EMNRD <Patricia.Walsh@state.nm.us>
Subject: next Certified Interpretive Guide Training Feb. 4-7, 2020

Greetings all. I'm extending the deadline to sign up for the CIG training to Jan. 1. There is still space. If you're interested, please let me know. If I don't get enough folks, I may have to cancel.

The next four-day CERTIFIED INTERPRETIVE GUIDE training will be:

Date: Tuesday, Feb. 4 – Friday, Feb. 7, 2020 

Start time: 8 a.m.

End time: 4 p.m.

Instructor: Pat Walsh

Where: Rio Grande Nature Center in Albuquerque

 Note: Space is limited to 15 attendees (first come, first served.)

You must reserve your spot no later than Wednesday, Jan. 1. Please email me at patricia.walsh@state.nm.us so I can put you on the list.

Program Description:

This training guides participants on how to develop and present quality interpretive programs, plus reviews the foundations of the interpretive profession. The course is designed for folks who give interpretive programs as part of their job duties, but have little interpretive training. However, anyone is welcome to attend.

This four-day course includes:

• presentation and communication skills

• history, definition, and principles of interpretation

• making programs purposeful, organized, enjoyable, thematic & relevant

• using tangible objects to connect visitors

  to intangible ideas and universal concepts

• certification requirements (50-question open-book literature review;  

  program outline; 10-minute program on subject of your choice)

• all materials, workbook, and CIG course textbook


PLEASE NOTE!! This course includes HOMEWORK. You'll put in extra, after-class hours working with classmates to complete the required, open-book literature review. Let your supervisor know you may accumulate some comp time.


Thanks and regards,


Pat Walsh

New Mexico State Parks

Regional Interpretive Ranger/Northeast
