[ACLU-NM] April 28th, 10 AM: ACLU of New Mexico Annual Meeting

Whitney Potter wpotter at ACLU-NM.org
Thu Apr 12 16:08:49 MDT 2007

Please Join Us!

Saturday, April 28th, 2007 

For the ACLU of New Mexico Annual Meeting 


The 2007 ACLU of New Mexico Annual Meeting will be held in Albuquerque
on Saturday, April 28th at 10 AM MST at Central New Mexico Community


The panel discussion, The Un-American Face of American Immigration
Policy, will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about immigration
and border issues. This year's event will feature inspiring speakers and
time to network with ACLU members, staff, and friends.  


Panelists include:

New Mexico State Representative Ken Martinez

Lisa Graybill, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Texas

Peter Simonson, Executive Director, ACLU of New Mexico (moderator)


When: Saturday, April 28th, 2007, 10 AM - 12 PM
Where: Central New Mexico Community College, South Building, Room S-10,
Albuquerque, NM (Click here for a map
<http://aclu-nm.org/PDF/CNM_map.pdf> ) 
Questions: Contact Whitney Potter (505) 266-5915 ext. 1003 or
wpotter at aclu-nm.org.

Bring a friend! There is no charge for this event and it is open to
members of the ACLU and the public at large. 



Whitney Potter
Communications Manager, ACLU of New Mexico 

(505) 266-5915 ext. 1003

wpotter at aclu-nm.org

www.aclu-nm.org <http://www.aclu-nm.org/> 


The mission of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Mexico
is to maintain and advance the cause of civil liberties within the state
of New Mexico, with particular emphasis on the freedom of religion,
speech, press, association, and assemblage, and the rights to the
franchise, due process of law and equal protection of law, and to take
any legitimate action in the furtherance and defense of such purposes.
These objectives shall be sought wholly without political partisanship.


The need has never been greater for freedom-loving people to join the
ACLU and take a stand against the growing threats to our most cherished
Constitutional liberties. To donate to the ACLU of New Mexico securely
online, click here >>

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