[LWVNM Action] Representative Figueroa to introduce a HJR on the creation of an independent redistricting commission

Richard Mason dickmasonnm at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 13:13:18 MST 2022

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*2023 House Joint Resolution (HJR) for an Independent Redistricting
Commission (IRC) What would it do*

The proposed HJR, if passed, would put the question of creation of an
independent redistricting commission on the 2024 ballot If passed by a
simple majority of the voters it would assign the responsibility for
redistricting to an independent redistricting commission.

*Then what happens? *
In August of the year ending in zero, the State Ethics Commission would
solicit applications from qualified electors and from those applications
select at least 38 nominees reflecting the racial and geographic diversity
of New Mexico, of whom not more the twelve may be from the same party.
There are limitations placed upon applications from past elected officials,
candidates for elected office, paid lobbyists and those involved in other
political activity.

Those 38 nominees will be submitted to the president pro tempore of the
senate, the senate minority floor leader, the speaker of the house and
house minority floor leader who may each strike up to two applicants from
the pool.

The State Ethics Commission shall appoint nine commissioners from the
remaining pool of applicants, striving to achieve geographic, racial and
gender balance among the appointees. The appointees shall include three
appointees each from the two political parties with the largest number of
registered voters affiliated with the party in the state and three members
who are affiliated with other political parties or who are unaffiliated
voters. The chair will be a retired district court judge, appellate court
judge or justice of the supreme court

The independent redistricting commission (IRC) shall develop district plans
for congressional districts, state legislative districts and other
districted state offices following each federal decennial census. The
commission shall develop district plans in accordance with the traditional
redistricting guidelines – these are detailed. The commission cannot
consider partisan data or incumbent addresses.

The redistricting commission may incorporate suggested changes to its
proposed district plans in accordance with public comments and testimonies
it receives, but shall not subordinate the requirements of traditional
redistricting principles

The commission shall file with the secretary of state the commission's
approved plans for senate, house of representatives and congressional
districts and other districted state offices by
October 1 of each year ending in the number one. The approved plans shall
determine the districts for use in the succeeding primary and general
elections for the respective bodies.

*Fair Districts for New Mexico: **www.fairdistrictsnm.org*
<http://www.fairdistrictsnm.org>*; fairdistriscts at lwvnm.org
<fairdistriscts at lwvnm.org>*
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