[LWVNM Action] Action Meeting - January 14 at 4 pm

Jane Asche janeasche at comcast.net
Mon Jan 10 15:00:17 MST 2022

Thanks, Dick.  This is so helpful.  Jane Asche in Las Cruces

On 1/10/2022 12:37 PM, Richard Mason via Action wrote:
> I am attaching a document that details how the LWVNM takes a position 
> on legislation. We ask that any person requesting that the League 
> support/oppose legislation to cite the supporting LWV p\osition.
> The bottom of the document explains the legislative process for a bill 
> with an appropriation.
> Dick Mason
> Topic: Action Meeting - January 14 at 4 pm
> Time: This is a recurring meeting - every Friday at 4 pm through 
> February 18
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Jane A. Asche, Ed.D., Email: janeasche at comcast.net, Cell: 575-649-8154

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