[NMCycling] CX series and new COVID rules

hawke morgan yourstruly at fastmail.com
Wed Oct 14 10:45:32 MDT 2020


The state government is going to be tightening down their rules as of Friday.  As of now I think we can still continue with the CX series, with a few changes, the main one being that we will start in groups or not more than 5 riders, probably with a 2 minute gap between waves.  Everyone will be timed and overall placing will be based on your time from when your wave starts.  

I am not an anarchist and am going to make every effort to conform to the states ordinances, whether or not I agree with them.  The COVID numbers in NM are not looking good, but I do not think that people exercising in lightly used outdoor spaces, who are more than 20 feet away from any other person 80% of the time, and who are almost always more than 6 feet away from any other person are in any way the cause of the COVID spike.  

I will try to get a detailed, revised COVID plan by tomorrow evening.  I will print out a copy to have with me at the races to show to any law enforcement that might show up. 

Best Regards,

Hawke Morgan
Round About Co.
(505) 259-6885
yourstruly at fastmail.com

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