[Hhsband] this week in the band boosters

Mary Scofield maryscof at scofie.net
Mon Oct 16 20:47:34 MDT 2017

If you want to see the video from Saturday:  Youtube - search for 
Josephine Gonzales first video up.

I got together with Ms G today:

Thursday  (10/19) Football at Community Stadium.  This is a pre-game 
show. Truck load at report time for students.  We need to make sure 
students know how to load the truck, as they will be loading Friday 
morning after class.

Friday (10/20) I've only got 26 of 68 covered. Students can take some, 
*but I need more parents!!! * We leave from PAC at 2:30, we won't have 
time to come back for more students. Rehearsal at Wilson ends 5pm, will 
return students at that time.

Saturday (10/21): We will feed students bagels and cream cheese/peanut 
butter at the PAC around 8:30

Truck loading at student report time.    Students will be picked up at 
10 by the one bus. We will transport the colorguard and a few extras by 
car - probably around 15 students. Please let me know if you can 
transport students. Other cars will be needed for uniform bags and hat 

If you have students drop off is the Lomas entrance of Manzano. There is 
limited parking in the truck parking area - maybe four cars. Please make 
this for colorguard transport vehicles. If you have uniforms please park 
nearby either on the Chelwood Park street or  in the large parking lot 
just north of the band truck parking.   I will need a few folks to help 
to quickly unload instruments and flags and then reload cases. 
Percussion unload is at the performance area like Valencia. Performance 
is a timed event - so I need the parents who have been helping on the 
field again.

We are going to have subway sandwiches for them and parents at our 
standard truck parking spot (Mike G - can you stake that out for us?) 
after the performance.  We will want snacks, etc for them later in the 
day. I need an inventory of what's left of chips, etc from Saturday so 
we can replenish.  I need someone who can go over to Subway around the 
corner from Manzano right after the performance to get the subway order. 
The food has already been paid for.

If you have uniform bags, etc in your car the students will drop 
performance jackets/hats off during the afternoon. They will need them 
again for mass march-on at around 4PM, Ms G will advise the kids/parents 
at lunch.

If you are a nurse/doc and can attend the final show at 4:30 - please 
call me at 903-2971. First caller gets the gig. I'd like have someone on 
the field with the students to monitor them - they tend to start 
fainting from heat and locking their knees.

BRING SUNSCREEN and Head covers

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