[NMCCSC] Email

marilynn Szydlowski mazgaj2018 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 12:31:57 MST 2021

 Marilynn Here. I checked the EGroup Server and drayerg at hotmail.com is
listed.  That means that all skiclub info that is getting sent out should
be coming to you.

I suggest you check your spam or junk folder and also add
nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com to your contact list.
You can try sending an email to the  nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com so that
your email box realizes that the ski club email is acceptable.

Let me know,    Marilynn

On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 8:55 AM Yoga Simple And Sacred <
gloria at yogasimpleandsacred.com> wrote:

> I joined the ski club couple months ago and I'm still not getting any
> emails I want it to go to drayerg at hotmail.com
> Can you help me with that? Lynn has been kind enough to give me your email
> address to get this straightened out
> I would like to keep posted on what's happening in the cross country
> skiing world.
> Namaste,
> Gloria Drayer
> Yoga Simple and Sacred
> 505.275.6638
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